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You don’t want to regret not
pursuing your bus injury
claim in the future.

  • Excellent Service: 2,100+ 5 star independent reviews.
  • Our Difference: We specialize in car accidents.
  • Our Guarantee: No fees ever unless we win.
  • Results: Millions recovered monthly for our clients.
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Specialist bus accident lawyers

If you were hurt in an accident while a passenger on a bus (including getting on and off), the driver owes you the highest degree of safe passage. They are liable to you for even the slightest carelessness. If you were hurt by a bus while a pedestrian or travelling in another vehicle the law is a little different but if the accident wasn’t your fault you may still be owed significant compensation.

Our bus accident team is happy to talk through what happened to you and what you may be eligible for under the law. Because we have specialist expertise in this area we’re well placed to make sure you get every cent you are due.

Starting a claim

Getting started is easy. The phone lines are open 24 hours a day, every day of the year, and if you’d rather talk in person we can come to you even in the hospital if that’s most helpful.

The sooner you get in touch, the sooner we can start safeguarding the full value of your claim and moving it towards completion. It’s our primary aim to get your life back on track with money in your pocket as quickly as possible and with the least possible stress.

Common Bus Related Injuries Include:

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    • The bus starts moving before you are safely on or off it, causing you to fall to the ground and suffer injuries or even be run over by the back wheels of the bus or a passing vehicle, suffering catastrophic injuries such as breaking your limbs or your back, or causing you to hit your head and suffer traumatic brain injuries, or causing serious internal injuries.

    • The bus makes a sudden violent start, stop, or jerk that causes you to lose your balance and fall to the floor or be thrown from your seat and suffer injuries.

“They dealt with all the hassles of trying to get back up on your feet.”
– Charlene P.

“Amazing communication, and the settlement helped pay my medical bills!”
– Jessica L.

“It was just phenomenal service.”
– Matthew N.

Jessica M.
The Accident Guys’ diligent efforts really paid off, and I am more thrilled with the outcome.
Jessica M.
No Win, No Fee

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