You don’t want to regret not
pursuing your pedestrian injury
claim in the future.
Have you been Hit by a Car while Walking?
If you were injured by a car, truck, bus, motorcycle, bicycle, or another mode of transportation while crossing the street, walking on the side of the road, or while on the sidewalk, you may have the right to recover damages from the responsible party. Oftentimes this will not just be the driver of the vehicle, but it could also be an entity who is responsible for the intersection or crosswalk (i.e. City, State, County or private party). We can help you understand who might be responsible for your accident and who you could recover money from.
Expert Attorneys for Pedestrian Accidents
Suppose you were crossing the street other than at a crosswalk when a car hits you. Does the fact you were jaywalking automatically bar you from seeking compensation from the driver who hit you? Not necessarily. The driver of the car still owes a duty to drive carefully to avoid an accident. Make sure you speak with a specialist attorney who understands the law before talking to an insurance adjuster if possible, or as soon as you can. We’re here to protect your rights, while insurance companies will want to dismiss your claim or lowball you.
We offer free, no-obligation consultations. There are no upfront fees or charges, and if we don’t win, you won’t owe us anything. Get in touch either by phone or using the contact form below right away.
“They dealt with all the hassles of trying to get back up on your feet.”
– Charlene P.
“Amazing communication, and the settlement helped pay my medical bills!”
– Jessica L.
“It was just phenomenal service.”
– Matthew N.

Free Consultation
Get free, no obligation legal help now. We may be able to get you compensation and medical treatment for your injuries.

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